
April 9, 2022

Suspension of an Amazon Seller Account

Suspension of an Amazon Seller Account


One of the most concerning aspects of selling on Amazon is the ease with which your account can be suspended.

Your Seller account can vanish without warning, and getting it back can take a long time. This occurs for a variety of reasons. It’s most likely because your Seller performance isn’t consistently great – and the customer satisfaction requirements you must fulfill while selling on Amazon are extremely high.

According to the Amazon Customer Product Review Policy, a customer’s satisfaction is the most important part of Customer Shopping Experience on Amazon.

It Mostly Happens due do a fake comment or a bad comment by the customer.

To solve this issue, you can use the best tool for amazon feedback Rating Raja. It is the best tool for getting genuine reviews and feedback from your customers. And also, the gives 30 days free trial isn’t it good?

With and without Rating Raja

If Amazon find any makes an attempt to control client reviews, we tend to take immediate actions that embody, however aren’t restricted to:

  • Immediate and permanent withdrawal of the seller’s mercantilism privileges on Amazon and withholding of funds.
  • The removal of all the merchandise’s reviews and preventing the product from receiving future reviews or ratings.
  • Permanent delisting of the merchandise from Amazon.
  • Legal action against the vendor, together with lawsuits and referral to civil and criminal social control authorities.
  • Disclosing the seller’s name and alternative connected info publicly.




Suggesting you to not do something that is against amazon’s policy. can advocate best tool for amazon feedback which too is real not pretend i.e., Rating Raja.

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