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Email templates that command a buyer’s attention and get a response.

With Ratingraja, Amazon product review software, you’ll get access to professionally written and tested email templates, that have high open rates and encourage buyers to respond.

Send personalised emails in minutes

  • Templates in English
  • Improve customer service
  • Grab more feedback or product reviews
  • Even send requests from your past orders
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Feedback Influences the Buy Box

Your seller rating and feedback score are key metrics used by Amazon to determine who wins the Buy Box. Sellers with consistently leading customer service and seller ratings can typically win the Buy Box at higher prices and profit margins than competitors with lower feedback scores.

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Amazon Listings Hijack Alert

What is Listing Hijack ?

In Amazon, there are those who steal or copy the genuine seller's listing.That means the stealing of a listing from a genuine seller is called Amazon listing hijacking. If an unauthorized seller is selling other brand's product and claims that they are the owner of this brand then it can be called Amazon brand hijacking. To avoid this kind of listing hijacking. RatingRaja will send you Hijack alert on Email and SMS.

Let your listing be safe.

Get notification when some other seller start selling in your Listing.

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Negative feedback alert to your phone

Did you know Amazon Does NOT Send Negative feedback Alerts. But Negative feedback Alerts are Possible (with RatingRaja) So you may take action on them immediately.

Get notified quickly when negative feedback left

When any customer share negative feedback, RatingRaja will send you SMS and Email alert .
